The following questions will help us find the right puppy for you. Our goal is to find each puppy a loving home where they can be part of the family. The dog's well being is # 1 and matching them properly to their new family.
Copy & Paste this to a email and send it to : vonlousar@live.ca
- Personal Information
Home Address:
Contact Number/s:
E-mail address:
Referred by/ how did you hear about us:
- Family Information
Spouse Name:
Number of family members:
Do you have any children? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, what is/are their ages:
Does everyone in the family agree on getting a dog? ( )Yes ( )No
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals/pets? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, to what and how severe?
Who will be the primary caregiver of the puppy?
Have you ever owned a dog before? ( )Yes ( )No
How long did your last pet live?
What were the circumstances of its death?
Do you currently have other pets/animals? ( )Yes ( )No
If there would be changes in your family’s situation such as a change in occupation or residence, or having a new baby, what will happen to the dog?
Have you ever given a pet away? ( )Yes ( )No
If so, what were the circumstances:
What breed of dog have you owned or currently own?
- Housing Information
Type of Dwelling:
( ) House
( ) Condo
( ) Apartment
( ) Mobile Home -
How long have you lived at this address/home?
If you’re renting, are you allowed to have a dog or pets?
Will you be willing to build a secure space or suitable pen for the dog so it can burn off energy without being supervised? ( )Yes ( )No
Will the dog receive crate training? ( )Yes ( )No
- Puppy-related Information
Are you interested in a ( )Male or ( ) Female puppy?
What month/year are you expecting to add new puppy to your family?
What are the important factors for you?
Where will the puppy be kept during the day?
Where will the puppy be kept during the night?
Is anyone going to be at home throughout the day? ( )Yes ( )No
Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day? ( )Yes ( )No
Have you ever house-trained a dog before? ( )Yes ( )No
Will you be attending any training classes with the puppy? ( )Yes ( )No
If yes, what age will you start?
Are you aware you will need to SPAY/NEUTER and this puppy will be sold on a non-breeding agreement? ( ) Yes ( )No
All of our dogs are considered short hair and although they are short hair they still produce some long coats. Are you opened to a long coat ? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Maybe
If you are wanting to be placed on our waiting list a $791.00 (including hst) non refundable deposit is required by email transfer (to vonlousar@live.ca) once you have been approved.
Thank you for your time in answering our questions. Your answers won’t be the only factor in determining whether any of our puppies should go home with you. We will reply back with more detailed information on breeding's and puppies to get you with the best fit for your lifestyle.